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Round 1

 #1 Steven Auker (R) ➧  .036 RT / 2.65 Dial ( -0.011 off ) / 2.639 ET 
    ⇊ Loses to
 #10 Patrick Laviolette ➧  .307 RT / 3.60 Dial ( .597 off ) / 4.197 ET 

 #3 Brian Miller ➧  .117 RT / 3.44 Dial ( .026 off ) / 3.466 ET 
    ⇈ Wins Over
 #8 Scott Auker (R) ➧  .097 RT / 2.75 Dial ( .258 off ) / 3.008 ET 

 #4 Gordo Arroyo (R) ➧  .042 RT / 2.30 Dial ( .069 off ) / 2.369 ET 
    ⇈ Wins Over
 #7 Juni Gordian (R) ➧  .094 RT / 2.60 Dial ( .072 off ) / 2.672 ET 
MOV: .055

 #2 Allen Krier ➧  .093 RT / 2.30 Dial ( .022 off ) / 2.322 ET 
    ⇈ Wins Over
 #9 Jim Hannon (R) ➧  .202 RT / 2.70 Dial ( -0.090 off ) / 2.610 ET 
MOV: .003   Holeshot Win  

 #5 Tony Scheel ➧  -0.029 RT / 3.02 Dial ( .258 off ) / 3.278 ET 
    ⇊ Loses to
 #6 Larry Hutcheson ➧  .019 RT / 2.10 Dial ( -0.056 off ) / 2.044 ET 

Round 2

 #10 Patrick Laviolette ➧  .279 RT / 3.946 ET 
  ⇈ Bye Run

 #4 Gordo Arroyo (R) ➧  .071 RT / 2.30 Dial ( .038 off ) / 2.338 ET 
    ⇈ Wins Over
 #3 Brian Miller ➧  .102 RT / 3.45 Dial ( .140 off ) / 3.590 ET 

 #6 Larry Hutcheson ➧  -0.002 RT / 2.04 Dial ( .025 off ) / 2.065 ET 
    ⇊ Loses to
 #2 Allen Krier ➧  .027 RT / 2.31 Dial ( .029 off ) / 2.339 ET 
MOV: .033

Round 3

 #4 Gordo Arroyo (R) ➧  .063 RT / 2.30 Dial ( -0.052 off ) / 2.248 ET 
    ⇊ Loses to
 #10 Patrick Laviolette ➧  .257 RT / 3.80 Dial ( .206 off ) / 4.006 ET 

 #2 Allen Krier ➧  .015 RT / 2.309 ET 
  ⇈ Bye Run


 #2 Allen Krier ➧  .176 RT / 2.30 Dial ( .225 off ) / 2.525 ET 
    ⇈ Wins Over
 #10 Patrick Laviolette ➧  59.990 RT / 3.85 Dial ( 56.140 off ) / 59.990 ET 


#1 Steven Auker (R) ◦ 1785
.036 RT · -0.011 off Dial · 2.639 ET  
Loses To
#10 Patrick Laviolette ◦ 1791W
.307 RT · .597 off Dial · 4.197 ET  

# Bye
# Bye

#3 Brian Miller ◦ 1660W
.117 RT · .026 off Dial · 3.466 ET  
Wins Over
#8 Scott Auker (R) ◦ 1789
.097 RT · .258 off Dial · 3.008 ET  

#4 Gordo Arroyo (R) ◦ 1779W
.042 RT · .069 off Dial · 2.369 ET  
Wins Over
#7 Juni Gordian (R) ◦ 1780
.094 RT · .072 off Dial · 2.672 ET  

#2 Allen Krier ◦ 1280W
.093 RT · .022 off Dial · 2.322 ET  
Wins Over
#9 Jim Hannon (R) ◦ 1714
.202 RT · -0.090 off Dial · 2.610 ET  

#5 Tony Scheel ◦ 1663
-0.029 RT · .258 off Dial · 3.278 ET  
Loses To
#6 Larry Hutcheson ◦ 1230W
.019 RT · -0.056 off Dial · 2.044 ET  

# Bye
# Bye

# Bye
# Bye


#10 Patrick Laviolette ◦ 1791W
.279 RT · 3.946 ET · 29.0 MPH 
Wins Over
# Bye


#3 Brian Miller ◦ 1660
.102 RT · .140 off Dial · 3.590 ET  
Loses To
#4 Gordo Arroyo (R) ◦ 1779W
.071 RT · .038 off Dial · 2.338 ET  


#2 Allen Krier ◦ 1280W
.027 RT · .029 off Dial · 2.339 ET  
Wins Over
#6 Larry Hutcheson ◦ 1230
-0.002 RT · .025 off Dial · 2.065 ET  


# Bye
# Bye


#10 Patrick Laviolette ◦ 1791W
.257 RT · .206 off Dial · 4.006 ET  
Wins Over
#4 Gordo Arroyo (R) ◦ 1779
.063 RT · -0.052 off Dial · 2.248 ET  


#2 Allen Krier ◦ 1280W
.015 RT · 2.309 ET · 68.5 MPH 
Wins Over
# Bye


#10 Patrick Laviolette ◦ 1791DQ
59.990 RT · 56.140 off Dial · 59.990 ET  
Loses To
#2 Allen Krier ◦ 1280W
.176 RT · .225 off Dial · 2.525 ET  

All Run Bracket Points Awarded at

All Run Bracket Event Bests at

Closest to Dial

Allen Krier       R1   .022
Larry Hutcheson       R2   .025
Brian Miller       R1   .026
Allen Krier       R2   .029
Gordo Arroyo (R)       R2   .038
Gordo Arroyo (R)       R1   .069
Juni Gordian (R)       R1   .072
Brian Miller       R2   .140
Patrick Laviolette       R3   .206
Allen Krier       R4   .225

Best Reaction Times

Allen Krier       R3   .015
Larry Hutcheson       R1   .019
Allen Krier       R2   .027
Steven Auker (R)       R1   .036
Gordo Arroyo (R)       R1   .042
Gordo Arroyo (R)       R3   .063
Gordo Arroyo (R)       R2   .071
Allen Krier       R1   .093
Juni Gordian (R)       R1   .094
Scott Auker (R)       R1   .097

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