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Justin Williams (R)

Inactive RCDRL Member #1753

Lowest RT: .000
Lowest ET: 1.554
Fastest Pass: 87.0 mph

Elimination Round Stats

8 Rounds
3 Rd Wins
.121 Avg RT
2 Redlights
0 Holeshot Wins
0 Bye Runs

Year Detail - 2024
   2023      2024   
2 Rounds
0 Rd Wins
1 Redlights
0 Holeshot Wins
0 Bye Runs

Race Details for:
   2023      2024   

Pro Street Outlaw     RCDRL Florida

06/09/24 - Big Daddy Don Garlits Divisional Points Race #3
       Rd  RT  ET  MPHLane
Q1 -0.026 DNF   
Q2 -0.052 2.117 85.8
R1 -0.064 2.208 82.5Redlight Loss to Aj Marasco

Quick-16 Bracket 2.70 or Faster     RCDRL Florida

06/09/24 - Big Daddy Don Garlits Divisional Points Race #3
       Rd  RT  ET  DialLane
Q1 .045 DNF   82.5
Q2 .000 DNF   82.5
R1 64.999 DNF   1.580DQ Loss to Richard Madera

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